The Quest for a Virtual Reality Headset

Clarena Renfrow, M.Ed.
5 min readSep 11, 2020

Fun for students that can lead to future careers.

by Clarena M. Renfrow, M.Ed., July 28, 2020

Oculus Quest VR Headset

When the Oculus Go Virtual Reality Headset first came out, I had this amazing rush of excitement that I hadn’t felt since the iPad made its first appearance! As a technology educator, I feel great enthusiasm when I experience a new piece of technology which I know will make a huge impact on the art of teaching and learning. So, of course, I bought the Oculus Go Virtual Reality Headset to try it out!

Since then I have taught a few graduate courses to teachers on using both the Go and Quest models of Oculus’ VR standalone headsets for education and have incorporated them into the high school courses that I teach. Recently, I have created a new course on using, creating, and coding VR experiences and games for high school. As you may imagine, I am still excited about their potential for teaching content, exercise, wellness, and careers to name a few, and can’t wait to teach my new high school course this fall.

Why Am I So Excited About VR?

I am excited by the educational potential of these headsets. Oculus has done an amazing job of creating self-contained VR headsets so that you aren’t tethered to a computer. With this freedom of movement, I don’t have to worry about my students getting tangled in wires and falling. More than that though is their ability to bring you into new worlds and experiences. Museums, space, the human body, concerts, paintings, cells, and the Earth are just a few of the experiences in which to immerse yourself. You get a first-hand look at these worlds and feel as if you are actually there! For most people, it is a way to have experiences that they would likely never have otherwise.

Careers in Virtual Reality Creation

There are job opportunities in learning to use and create VR whether it is for gaming or training. Many businesses are using virtual reality as a training tool for their employees. For example, Walmart is using VR to train their associates and claim that it is working very well. This article discusses how Walmart is using VR. It isn’t just Walmart using VR, but other companies as well. Also being explored is the use of VR in helping people with mental illnesses. Here is an interesting Ted Talk by Thong Nguyen about Virtual Reality and how it is being used to help people. I want my students to understand that there are careers in VR creation currently, and also that there will be even more in the future.

Oculus Go Vs. Oculus Quest

The Oculus Go is no longer being made, which in my opinion is unfortunate. I honestly hope they bring it back because of its’ very reasonable price and huge educational content. Though they are not being made currently, Oculus has promised to continue to support them. The Go is an amazing device with a huge amount of educational content. You can check out the options on the Oculus website. I was actually pretty heartbroken that Oculus decided to stop making them. If you have one, keep it or donate it to a teacher who will use it in their classroom.

The Oculus Quest is an exciting piece of technology as well. The cost is still reasonable compared to other headsets on the market. The Quest has improved technology over the Go like two hand controllers and a camera so you can set up a field of play. This is important because it is easy to run into things when you are unable to see where you are. The Go did not have the ability to do this so I had to really watch my students or have them sit down. The Quest is all about standing up, moving, playing, and physically interacting with virtual experiences and games.

My Favorite Apps

While at this time the Quest doesn’t have the same number of educational apps as the Go, there are several Oculus Quest educational apps and more are coming all the time. Currently, one of my favorite things to do for myself is to play Beat Saber which is not only fun, but great exercise, and the music is awesome! For students who play a lot of video games and become sedentary, games like Beat Saber are a great way for them to play a game that requires lots of movement! My workouts consist of Beat Saber and Guided Tia Chi three to four times a week. At the end of my workout, I use the Tripp app to relax and focus.

One of my other favorite apps is Wander. In wander, you can travel all around the world with your voice and bring others with you! Other favorites are Ocean Rift, Apollo 11, Anne Frank House, National Geographic Explore, Rec Room, and Epic Roller Coasters. There are so many others that Quest has that I haven’t tried yet. I am looking forward to continuing my exploration of new apps. Parents — like other games and experiences, please review them first and look for age ratings to make sure content is appropriate for your child.

Highly Recommended

Virtual Reality has a huge potential in educational, wellness, and entertainment arenas. I own both a Go and a Quest and love them both. I use my Quest several times a week to explore different places, exercise, and meditate. There are so many different uses from training simulations and education to entertainment and wellness. They are very user friendly and easy to set up. I highly recommend these pieces of technology. So go have a virtual experience and try it out!



Clarena Renfrow, M.Ed.

Ms. Renfrow is an Information Technology Teacher at the hs and college level as well as a licensed Technology Integration Specialist & an Apple Cert. Teacher.